Reginald Sylvester II | ‘Painter’s Refuge’ NYC Publication Launch
Reginald Sylvester II | ‘Painter’s Refuge’ NYC Publication Launch
4 November 2022, 11:11 AM
On the occasion of Reginald Sylvester II’s latest publication, Painter’s Refuge: A Way of Life which documents and expands upon his first solo US museum exhibition at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts + Culture in Charlotte, North Carolina, Maximillian William and Pacific are pleased to announce a launch and reception at 980 Madison Avenue, New York. The event will include a conversation between Sylvester and Tschabalala Self, as well as the presentation of two new artworks by Sylvester.
Reginald Sylvester II
Painter’s Refuge: A Way of Life
Texts: Rachel Waldrop, Franklin Sirmans, and Marshall N. Price
Design: Pacific
Language: English
Pages: 148 pages
Size: 9 x 11 in
ISBN: 978-1-7375998-3-8
Publication Date: November 2022
Publisher: New York and Charlotte: Pacific and Harvey B. Gantt Center
Edition: 800